Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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yeah yeah i'm here

^^ man of his word and all
Posted 11 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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you forgot to number them never mind we can count...
Posted 11 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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here we least this time kash can also guess and improve our chances
Posted 11 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Bazigaar said:

lol...i can post those 6 pics again?

NO!!!!! One only
Posted 11 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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kash_beauty said:

Bazigaar said:

nah, it's alrite, i'll pass

i knw its alryt

bt it wont do any harm!

exactly! so c'mon general bazi stop being so difficult and show us your pic
Posted 11 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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kash_beauty said:

we will ask him nicely

hopefully he will post his pic
which i doubt he far as i hve come to knw him

he's a man of his word

i wouldn't bet the house on it,

been there - done that - he's impossible
Posted 11 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Bazigaar said:

Jia_ka_chand said:

wow deja vu

this conversation with bazigaar is familiar
let's just hope a dozen pics aren't put up again for someone to guess - however fun/confusing that was

lol, no i am not posting any pictures for guessing, even though i did posted my pic in them

how annoying was that! have to give you credit for it though =)
Posted 11 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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kash_beauty said:


pehlay he inkaar kar dia post karnay say

oh no kash hun inkaar nahi, i'm not refusing to see bazigaar's real pic - he's just showing naakrah
Posted 11 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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wow deja vu

this conversation with bazigaar is familiar
let's just hope a dozen pics aren't put up again for someone to guess - however fun/confusing that was
Posted 11 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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oh gosh that would be helpfull
Posted 11 Mar 2005

Topic: TV SHOWS...

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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yeah....i miss the old days. the new shows (with the exception of friends) dont come close to the ones back in the day...

boy meets world was was a funny name. unique! lol hated corey tho...what a loser. lol

anyone watch the cartoons HE-MAN or SHEERA?! lol

I dont remember Sheera - but He-Man!!!! oh yeah - he was so cool and his cut bird companion Needle I think - apparently there's been a remake of the old show but I doubt it's going to be as good as the origional.

I was really into those toons, also Techno Man
Posted 11 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Worst thing huh? Two for me.

1) The jerk who bullied me when I was 8 years old and chubby. When alone at his house, he would make to be my friend etc and then at the park or at parties he would get his goons together, make fun of me, hit me and yell "Fat alert! Fat alert!" and laugh when it made me cry. Loser

2) YOu wouldn't believe it after the above, but Usually guys are so sweet. One of these sweetie pie charmers I ended up pairing up with in the lab.

So I was working with this one idiot for a group presentation and he saved the our Power Point presentation onto a corrupt disk we lost our work,, just about scrapped a pass and I've ignored him since. Would you belive his nerve? After the presentation disaster he asked me out! yeah riiiiight. I must admit I've been lucky so far not to have my heart broken at least   
Posted 11 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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just you

no one has been injured yet

btw i am a political dr
Posted 10 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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hmm maybe I should just save the female members of the army...
Posted 10 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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shaista said:

girls are evil?????
yeh kis ne kaha
hum isko naheen maante

Right on! if anything girls are less evil than boys.
Posted 10 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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I think she's had surgery or at least botox
Posted 09 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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what if the injured are actually spies? do i still treat them or let them bleed/cough to death?
Posted 09 Mar 2005

Topic: love and sex

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Everyone knows it's wrong, for one reason or another. I'm personally against it as well.

But it's also wrong to judge people, the judgement after death is between the person and GOd no third wheel.

No one's 100% pure and pristine and from what Firelily's said she know's she's not shariff and doesn't care about it, so it's silly for us to try and mare her repent for her sins. Firstly that's not our place. Besides from what she's said she's married that person now, so we should leave it at that.

I don't know if it was brave or stupid of you to admit you weren't a virgin before marriage, maybe a bit of both, because this is the net and you still have your privacy.
Posted 09 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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that's right I do
Posted 09 Mar 2005

Topic: BE COOL

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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I haven't seen it yet, but sometimes the Rock is better at acting than wrestling. At least we can't smell what he's cooking.
Posted 09 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Waking up to greet the day *yawns*
Posted 09 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Awaaara said:

Jia_ka_chand said:

Awaaara said:

mErA KyA hAy

how about Awaaara beta?

YeAh u CaN cAll Me THaT, i DonT mINd

aww such a good Awaaara boy! but what does Totli mean???
Posted 09 Mar 2005

Topic: PAreNTs

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Once in her room, she dialed his number from memory, but his answering machine instead. "Hi hunny - good news! We have an ally in this war, my uncle! He's agreed to help us and wants to see you tomarrow. I'll be waiting for you..."

Posted 09 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Bazigaar said:

Jia_ka_chand said:

maybe he's gone off to hire the Maffia in Italy since we didn't appeal to him.


ooo Dubai huh? I thought un-gangsters lived there
Posted 09 Mar 2005

Topic: Be Inspired

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
ok my bad try this link now it should work, and btw bazi did you really read anything???
Posted 08 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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oh whatever! he took the first step into a new relationship, so why should I sit home and be gloomy? besides I've known my date for months now and he's never meet the girl he's gonna marry! What I'm doing isn't moving fast bazi it's "moving on"
Posted 08 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
maybe he's gone off to hire the Maffia in Italy since we didn't appeal to him.
Posted 08 Mar 2005

Topic: White Chicks

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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it was good, when it came out in theaters it was the best movie at the time.
Posted 08 Mar 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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uhm okay so I changed the name of the topic mainly to accomodate the new man in my life. I've known him for a few months and on Sunday we went out for coffee where he told me he fancied me.

Everything was fine until I found out that he's Indian....okay however modern my family is they are never going to allow that, even if he's not Hindu.

O god, sitting oppostite him I actually thought my relationship problems were over, but now I don't know what to do. Me and my friends are meeting up today to talk about it, but whatever happens, I really want this to work out between me and him.
Posted 08 Mar 2005

Topic: sing

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Laila mai Laila.....
Posted 08 Mar 2005